
November 1, 2008

Well for all those who are confused, this might be of some help. Initially I used to wonder whether is there really something called as GOD that exists, If yes where is he. Why cant i see him like i see other people or other things in this world? Why can’t I feel it’s presence? Well some people say there is a God, though it was difficult for me to understand what is God. I might be a narrow minded fool as people may call me, to question the mere existence of god. I tried out all the literature that i could find to find if god real or not, but with no luck what so ever. Well the ancient literature says that there are different kinds of gods. Different religions say there is a  god based on their literature, but what the heck? With due respect to all religions and their practitioners, i can’t stop myself having a weird notion that people might think “Harry Potter” is a god after a couple of centuries because, all they find is literature and nobody to tell them that its just a novel.

There are many notions in my mind that question the existence of the supreme being. I see many god fearing people around me, who have done very less sins when compared to me, and yet they still suffer. Why do people die? Why do they have diseases? Why do they have problems that make their lives miserable? Where is the so called god that they believe in? Why can’t he pull them out of troubles? After all they are all his followers, his best creation, his “children”. The answer is “There is no god, He is just a creation of yours”.

Now the question arises, why do people have to create god? The answer is simple, if my little human brain doesn’t know how things in this world happen, I assume it to be done by a supernatural force called god. You have an exam tomorrow, you have been horrible at that subject since ages, you don’t get good grades no matter how hard you study, then you don’t value your efforts to master the subject. For any other person who’s observing you it looks like you have been studying pretty hard so you will definitely get good grades this time. But you, by seeing your past record think that no one but a supernatural power called GOD can help you out. Just before taking the exam You pray to that god whom you have created in your mind to ease your tensions, and start. Surprisingly you get good grades this time, You will be over whelmed and think that its god that helped you out. But being a fool you don’t realise that it was there in you from the beginning, all you needed to do was concentrate a bit and study the subject properly. Out of fear of failing yet once again, you do it this time without even you knowing it, and the result is great. We fools think that its not us, its the god’s work.

This was just an example why you can tell that “God is man’s greatest creation”.After all if we don’t have faith in our capabilities, we try to put our faith in something that many people say will help you out.

36 Responses to “GOD????”

  1. ~devil carrot~ said

    Err… interesting. Very interesting.
    Also, God was creating as a certain type of device to gain control over society. If a supreme being isn’t controlling your very life, then how will society ever abide by the rules? People need something to fear, to keep them under check. And the Human mind may be very advanced compared to other creatures on earth, but it’s capability is only so much. Why cant we just accept that somethings are just not meant, or are not within our capability to be understood or known.

  2. anand said

    welll…the same idealogy i followed al my life…the same question that keeps lingering around me evryday..whr is GOD…evrything “rambabu” (:P) says is exactly wt i would say to you…but i guess…humans need a god…when believers say god made us different than others..he gave us a conscience..i feel from that conscience we gave birth to him…a supreme being..a supernatural power..the ultimate…the all-being..wteva u might want to call it..someone who is wiht us during the darkest times,the most difficult situations and conflicts…im not sayin this applies to everyone because it strongly conflicts wt i believe in…like me..like vikranth…ther are millions others who do not merely accept these things which relegions,cultures,society bind us to..we need our own answers…that is our conscience…to each his own…i used to find this concept of god utterly senseless..hw do i believe in someone,something i hv never seen,heard and more than that…felt within me…i can believe tht the sky is blue because someone like me proved it but i cannot settle with the fact that we are created from mud cuz we end up there inevitably !!!

    but i have also seen that this faith..which can be so unbelievably strong it baffles me…im not talking abt miracles…i cnt even define or classify exactly wt one is…there are many who work n toil al their life but devout it entirely to god,believe in this force so much that it gives them the will power to achieve and overcome everything….but..there also those..which irritate me the most..who get away from every responsibilty and act just on the mere name of “GOD”….

    to sum it up…most of them need god..cuz thts wt we see everyday…ppl need someone,something to reassure them that they are safe..good wins over bad..someone is lookin upon us and protecting us…and yet they build weapons of mass destruction tht can incinerate every speck which “GOD” created…why…are’n they in a conflict with themselves..if they so believe in god..where is he to save them from the bad one’s residin amongst us..why does he let those die who love him,honor him…wt do u consider…a 90 yr old lady in lebanon comin out of comma aftr 6 years better or 2000 nameless,innocent civilians killed in a blast…to question the so-called supreme authority..ther are many which are left unanswered…n this..is where..GOD fits in again..lets face it..we’re alone in this world and this world is ours..whn we dont know something..we want something….we search for it..quest for it..thirst fr it…we make it…we dun abandon things or answers beyond our intellect to be labelled as GOD…we achieve wt we want..we gain and lose wt we want….god aint physical…god aint spiritual..god is juss plain ol emotional…GOD is after alll…HUMAN !!!

  3. srikrishna said

    God means business, literally ! :D.. Look at the amount of money the religious societies are making and the number people involved to spread the message of god ! I’m with you, I’m more of an agnostic, I’m not sure whether god exists but I don’t care, I don’t need people to tell me whether god exists… nice article

  4. anand said

    precisely brother….god is everything we want it to be…money..power…security..stupidity !!!!

  5. rizwan adil said

    I tell people i dont believe in ‘love’ and ten hands shoot up, all giving reasons and explanations, but when i say there is there is no ‘god’ it mums people, you endorse some ’emotions’ and chuck out the other. If i feel love, then there must be love; if i feel anger, then there must be anger; if i feel God, then there must be a God.

    In writing whatever you have written, your benchmark is your logic assuming it is flawless and ‘true’. what certainty do u have of that ?

    Say tomorrow i get run over by a bus and i am dead, if you fix back all my bodily circuitry, i should wake up, smile and go back to blogging, i dont.
    you say there is no god. please define God? you need to know what a chopstick is to tell its not a spoon.

    Good to see you on wordpress, hope i have some serious competition. Start counting your hits.

  6. anand said

    lovee..not 10 hands…100 will shoot up…we see love..we feel love..we justify love..mom..dad..family..friends..wt binds us..wt shows up is love…anger..i feel anger..i see anger..i understand anger…GOD..i see no god…i feel no god..

    show me god…there is no certainity in that either…juss because 2million of the world endorses n we dont doesnt make him certain and us obsolete..it makes us obsolete to the world but not to us…

    if i cud rewire the circuitry in ur body..tomorrow u will go blogging abt hw u survived b’coz of another man..unless ur hit by amnesia…

    u said u need a chopstick to differ it from a spooon…show me a god to differ my notion tht there is no god..

  7. rizwan adil said

    u dont feel God, u aint mature enough, theres nothing anyone can do about it. a little bit of common sense will tell u there IS a god. every thing cant just happen by chance.

    u got my example wrong, when u ppl r looking for a God, u r looking for something ur minds conjured up, thats not how He is.

    in simple words, i am asking you to reawaken the dead with all the science and the brains you got, can u ? u talk of ‘evolution’, if what u say is right, create me a fly ? thats it, not a human, not a dinosaur, just a fly ! if the design is so simple n u r able to understand it, then u must be able to do it

  8. Hey Vikranth.

    Well, I (too) am of that so-called-crazy sector of people who doesn’t believe in the existence of God; The Atheists. And, most certainly I couldn’t agree more to the point that, ‘waiting for God to help’, is ‘Giving up to help oneself’, which is the easiest, the most popular and the worst possible way of insulting oneself and human capabilities. Man is a super power. And if there is ought to be a superior power; then it is Man again. This reminds me of this line I found somewhere, a few weeks past. It said…

    Even God is an Atheist; Only he believes in Himself!
    Perfect, ain’t it?

    Cheers! 🙂

  9. anand said

    oht thts hw it works is it…those who feel and believe in god are geniuses and those who dont are not mature enough…thts the weakest stattement i’ve come across..yet again…if all it takes is a lil bit of common sense..then thts wt tht tells me there’s no god…

    wt is god after alll…different versions..different perceptions as to how da human mind concieves it to be…if he’s nt something ur mind or heart conjures, wt is he???? if u were a vegetable…a human with no brain..no mind..no function capabilities…do u think u can even knoe the mere idea of his existence…..

    urr askin us to reawaken the dead..create a fly..stop a storm..i humbly admit we cannot..but we try to understand those factors which constitute them…we do not label them god..an ultimate force..juss because u cannot understand something..its beyond ur intellect…u dont give up…u do not replace passion..perseverance…the essence of humanity…juss with a tag of GOD…

    fr u who so believes in god..can u reawaken the dead…have u never mourned the death of someone and wished them back from ur god…did u get that..did anyone ever get it…we cannot…we know it fr a fact..thts hw things are…u dun need to unify everything in to one major factor…juss accept life and death…everything tht happens arnd us is a part of life…u live..u see..u try to understand..u die…its simple..

    start taking responsibilty fr ur own actions…not god…u fail to find answers to the truth…search fr it..work for it..dun juss getaway with it in the name of GOD…if u fail to see tht its u who created god to hold someone responsible for wts beyond ur common,nimble brain and actions..then its not us who’r nt mature…its just tht ur an IDIOT !!!

  10. vikranthspeaks said

    Hello guys! Thanks for leaving your valuable comments for my post on GOD. Well I think we shouldn’t take the argument to a dirty level by starting to abuse each other for supporting your take on the topic. Thank you “Devil Carrot” 😛 for writing the first comment, Thank you Rizwan for contradicting me. Thank you Sri Krishna, Anand and Priyanka for supporting my take on god.

    Well if you observe properly rizwan, the concept of god really brings a lot of disturbance and clashes. Now anand contradicted you, you will again contradict him and i’m sure both of you are gonna make my blog your battlefield.But tell you what my friend? I believe that if you, a human, like me believe in god, then I RESPECT your take. I value it equally as I value my own take.

    P.S. Try and keep your comments less personal and thank you Priyanka for your support on my take 🙂

  11. kanishkaanand said

    aaah..vikranth the saviour intervenes !!!! come on mate…things were juss gettin interrestin..but yea..i would like to say the same to rizwan…im not sayin ur wrong but neither am i…i respect every relegion because ppl respect them..not because they’re meant to be respected..i respect humanity….after all…all of us are from the same primordial soup !!!

  12. rizwan adil said

    on vikranths advice, i humblify my approach, but i do have to make some comments

    atheists always keep calling others ‘neanderthal fools’ ! yet when i say u ppl aint mature enuf, it becomes a ‘weak statement’, shred the double standards! open your eyes.

    God is obviously not a vegetable or mona lisa’s painting. God is not something you imagine up your rocking chair. Theology as a literature spans millenia of work,have you been thru a good percentage of that before u make all the comments . God is not something you imagine, you KNOW how God is through theology.

    u agree in ‘an ultimate force’, where did the ultimate force come from ?

    Your approach is biased, you assume that all theists follow a line of logic thats like – something unexplainable , therefore a God.

    Our approach isnt like that !

    We take up an argument which claims that there is a God, verify it thoroughly, assert it and then say- therefore a God.

    till date there has been no conclusive definite argument which can negate God. all that is said is opinion, philosophy and theory.

    belief in God is not equivalent to a denying responsibility. belief in God infact assures that someone is looking after your work and it wont go in vain. Belief in God in fact makes you take up your responsibilities more sensibly.

    Coming to vikranth, your argument that religion causes chaos and discord can be explained like this , say, tomorrow you give a man an axe to cut wood and make a living, is it your fault if he opens up somebody’s skull with it ?

  13. vikranthspeaks said

    Hello Rizwan, its nice that you are trying to keep the argument going on. But my dear friend get the facts proper, I never ever said that RELIGION was wrong, I have respect for each and every religion that is there in the world. You mistook my implication on GOD to be Religion. Next time recheck your comment before you submit it my friend.


  14. manasa kandula said

    “U can’t see God, so he doesn’t exist.” U can’t see nor feel oxygen which u breathe every min…does tht mean it doesn’t exist. i’m not saying God is sumthing like oxygen…i’m just asserting tht ur argument is weak. And well, believing in God doesn’t mean u are undermining ur capabilities nor does it mean u do anything wrong and get away with it blaming it on God. Every person has his own version of the supreme force. And coming to me, i think its a nice feeling to think there’s someone who’s protecting and watching over u. “what is God doin when so many people are dying in the bomb blasts?” Well, tht’s one difficult thing to answer. God is not sumone who just has a magic wand and sees tht everything happening in the world is good. He is the force responsible for our creation and i guess what ever happens after tht is the result of our own actions.
    And lastly vikranth, have u read Angels abd demons by Dan brown? If u havn’t, then do read it. Though its a book of fiction, it has a good take on science and God, the arguments and their relationship.

  15. vikranth, Isnt the CONCEPT OF GOD= RELIGION. Please explain the point u r trying to me exactly so that i can reply .

    kanishkanand, thats exactly the point i argued upon previously, if we r all from the same primordial soup, then we must be able to gather a similar soup again and create something insignificant out of it , perhaps an ant or a fly ? all i am asking for is reverse engineering ! why hasnt that been done till now? after all the claim is that we now understand how life originated and therefore no need of a God.

  16. kanishkaanand said

    firstly brother..sorry for the harsh statement in my previous post..we both know tht either of us are not fools…otherwise we wouldnt even be thrashing ourselves for so long…ur statement does become weak cuz ur da one who decided hw mature one was juss on the basis of ur faith and wt “all atheists” think of you..i never even said those..unless u felt wt i wrote made u feel…u can substitute it with wteva u wnt 😛

    you speak of god not being a vegetable..not in a mona lisa painting..nt one thts conjured in a rocking chair…yet many say god is manifisted in every object in this world…is he??..maybe he his or not…i never bothered abt tht

    you spk of theology..i’l give u more..philosophy…evolution..of GOD himself..every subject which can be inter-related to god..well most of them end up there..but who made them..who started them…under wt circumstances..man was raw..man was neanderthal…he needed someone for hope,someone in a time of despair..maybe he still does..but does it end there..is man relying on god merely on those fundamental reasons of his creation…

    this is u n me talkin today…u n i hv read these concepts about god…hw many do u think believe in these twin-seperate ideas…even follow such a complex yet simple idealogy…

    i do agree in an ultimate force..EARTH…MAN..HUMANITY..these are my ultimate forces..our ultimate forces..how do they exist..we do not know..we search..we think,we co-relate..but we definitely dont stop at GOD !!!for us..we need a more feasible,appealing answer

    u take a topic..research it thoroughly…and wt do u conclude at finally…if i wud come and say im not satisfied with that…then wat..if i question your verification..if im against ur assertion…then wat..we hv millions of theories tht try to explain hw we came into existence but yet none are close of enuf to the ULTIMATE ANSWER…only one view says and asserts tht this is the final answer..the final end of the path..GOD !!!

    the responsibilty factor comes in when u see the world today…on the name of god..wt ARE PPL DOING??? isnt denying responsibilty and lusting for transcendal bliss irresponsible..hurting your fellow brothers..humiliating him on the basis of one’s belief of superiority of his own god..his own ideaology irresponsible…face it..tht is hw we are today..

    tell me….by doin a job..a work..do u feel that until a god is there..its approved by him…it is for him…it will not go in vain…is building a better life,a better safer world for your loved ones or for humanity an act of vanity…

  17. kanishkaanand said

    realllyy….hv we understood hw life has originated????? if we did…u n me wudnt be arguin rite nw pal..i already tol u humbly we cannot make a fly nor can i make another human clone because we dun need to..its part of our code to reproduce..survive…but according to wt ur asserting so strongly..does tht mean u can make a fly and prove me wrong ???

    we all r still searchin fr it bro…we all are..hw life has originated…more important..wts the purpose of one’s life..and definitely GOD is not the ultimate answer…

    i actually respect your views a lot now since im beginning to understand tht u base ur argument on theology and perhaps also ur own additions to it…which even mine are in this argument…i wud reallyy like to know wt is tht god which still exists which i fail to understand and u do so well..i dun mean this in any sarcastic or ill-mannered way..i look forward to sharing more on this blog brother..peace !!!

  18. my maturity is not a function of my faith, also, faith is not like chunk of land you inherit from your parents, it comes through hard work and mark my words, its never easy, it involves a lot of reading, thinking and analyzing. My maturity is a function of all the work ive done.

    when ppl tell God is in everything, i obviously reject the idea, its an idea which serious theology doesnt endorse, people WANT God to be in everything, that doesnt mean he should be! Yes, i agree that God sees, knows and hears everything, that makes perfect sense to me .

    you cant see only one side, knowledge is not biased, when was i against philosophy, theory or anything, all i am saying is dont be biased , see everything. know everything, not just what strikes a chord with you but even those that oppose u.

    God is definitely not the ‘end pt’. thats another thing people WANT about God. There was a time when we didnt know how tsunamis happened, so we said God did it. Now we know how it happens n just bcoz we know how it happens, we say God didnt do it ????

    once again, people deny responsibility , God doesnt want them to. It is my understanding that the same God who made my mind will not refrain me from using it, i can be a rocket scientist,God has no prob. ppl r lazy, they ascribed lies to God. The axe example i gave vikranth fits here perfectly.

    When did i say building a safer world for your loved ones was vanity?

  19. kanishkaanand said

    i totally get wt ur sayin rizwan..i spent most of my trying to figure out an answer which satisfies me…i spent a lot of time too reading books,analyzing them,discusiing with countless people and nw u too..i get da idea of a supreme power..something tht keeps humanity in check..someone we learn to fear and respect so tht we hv a sense of control over ourselves…but wt has GOD become nw…wt hv we made it into..wt has it made us into…u say faith is not somethin u inherit like land…i beg to differ…i cannot spk for the entire world n im not..all of us have seen our share of everything but we thrive to understand everything we can see.. i’ve seen and heard….right from the moment a child is born his utmost faith is in his parents..the child believes in everything his parents say ro show is right or wrong until he develops the mental stability and his self conscience to question it…u said GOD=RELEGION..it fits with this case..but wt has it become nw…wt is the world doin in the name of GOD=RELEGION

    u n i base ourselves on theology..a benchmark of rationality…is everyone like us….does everyone submit to god..respect god..hv a healthy respect or an understanding like you do…im nt sayin tht mine or urs are the perfect examples of thinking…but isnt god supposed to instill a basic sense of humanity within us…is god supposed to replace humanity..is that his status…is tht his purpose..u steal..u can ask for frgiveness…u lie..u can expect forgiveness…u kill ur fello man…if ur sane enuf u knoe u can never be forgiven…but killing millions in the name of god,relegion,country,anything….is tht justifiable…

    Theology is supposed to be The study of the nature of God and religious truth…isnt humanity,integrity,unity the basic nature of GOD….we al are the same…isnt that the ultimate truth…so why these conflicts…i agree there are different sets of thinking in the entire world..but GOD’s purpose ultimate was to aid humans in showing them wt was right and wrong…everyone has implemented wt they think is right or wrong according to them on the name of GOD…is asserting a GOD on another human by another human just to prove his might,to show that his voice needs to be heard across irrespective of value to human life,sentiments correct…if ultimately everyone does each and everything which he feels is right…if most of them realize somewhr deep within them tht GOD is something which they use as a shield to protect themselves from being prosecuted… then for someone like u n me and countless ppl outthere who are innocent,ignorant pawns in the hands of “G-O-D”…do we need a GOD ?

  20. vikranthspeaks said

    Thank you Manasa for contradictin me! First thing here is that i’m not arguin here, I just made my point. Let it be weak or strong, I never thought I’d have so many comments for a post on a blog. People really have some tym to spend when it comes to their belief, even if they are so damn busy, aint it?

    And yeah, you said god doesnt have a magic wand to set things right. Well lets say that there is a god, who created you, me and the whole world including this blog! So when everything is created by him, how can he create a discussion on his existence? Or is it that he is bored creating everything since ages and now he wants recreation so he’s letting us fool around? So much pain and despair everywhere in this world, but for what joy? Well I do hope there really was a god who can make things good. Then there would be no clashes at all, no matter what is involved! But coming to stark reality, if you wait for a GOD to cure diseases, there would have been no doctors, if you wait for God to give you food, there would have been no farmers. I would rather worship any of the above mentioned people rather than an invisible god.

    And yeah, Rizwan, bro.. I seriously dont agree with your concept of GOD=RELIGION. When you go back to the stone age, there was no religion for the cave man, hence his social life was very limited.As man evoved, he saw a strong need to bring all people under one umbrella. He used the concept of religion to spread brotherhood and equality. For me RELIGION=CULTURE,MAN’S EFFORTS FOR A CIVILISED WAY OF LIVING! And GOD=A SUPERFICIAL LIE AND MYTH that people tend to use.

    P.S. Manasa, can you lend me that book by Dan Brown if you have it? Errr.. I’m a lil broke now to buy a book 🙂

  21. anand, when we created the computer, we didnt grant it free will!
    if you and me have free will, then we are not pawns in the hands of a God! i hope u will agree!

    in your second para, you write abt ppl who use god as a ‘cover’ for all the shit they do. i am happy there is a God to punish such fools. God is not a shield to do something disgusting and satisfy yourselves, God is the reason why u refrain from doing that disgusting thing ! still interested to discuss , add me on gtalk. why give unnecessary hits to vikranth? i am jealous of the hits his blog is getting ! :)i got 1000 hits in 9 months, he got 100 in a day !!!

    vikranth, coming to you buddy, you said God brings about chaos, i said its not God but religion, then u said its God, i am kinda confused abt what pt u wanna make!

    abt vikrants reply to manasa, say i buy a new phone and expect it to have a button which will transform it into a satellite and orbit the earth when theres some problem with my n/w, i will obviously be disappointed ! i cant expect something abt God and then expect God to work in accordance to my fancies.

    a strong liking for peace, order,joy, no diseases, no death, no troubles is hardwired into our psyche. now that is religions description of heaven! an inherent liking for heaven is deep-rooted among men ! even vikranth :).

    Stone Age is not a scientific fact! There is no consensus among scholars or archeologists abt stone age, all the fossils like ‘lucy’ and ‘piltdown man’ (i forgot the other names) have been rejected or are seriously doubted! with the foundation gone, your theory abt God and religion collapses!

  22. Having seen so much activity, i feel the need to solidify my argument, better. And, firstly, congratulations Vikranth; so much response for the first blog does indeed mark a successful future in writing. Cheers! \m/

    One, I did not support Vikranth; neither did i oppose the others. I did not understand a blog as a space for debate; rather, it forms a stage for a person’s outlet of feelings/thoughts/language et al.

    Two, I do not hate GOD. Neither do I hate the conception of religion. Further, I do not hate people who believe in the former two. No point.
    I guess, people here are mature enough to understand that it is impossible to influence well-bred philosophy, through a set of aggressive statements. What we accept and believe in, is never a product of a day’s work. It is more of a young life’s result. It does not qualify as ‘mature’ or ‘immature’. It is just the ‘way’, the ‘pursuit’ and the ‘understanding’ of life. And more the ways of life, more the ways of understanding!

    So, i do not intend to oppose someone’s statement for the heck of proving my statement right. I don’t care. I still am not able to believe in god.
    Trust me, I am not at all impressed by the proofs that have been put forward for the existence of god.

    It is said, when we strongly believe in something, we are either perfect or we are too stubborn. Only, it depends on who is thinking. I think I am perfect. You think, I am stubborn. It doesn’t matter, what it means, anyway! 😉


  23. And by the way, I read someone write, ‘atheists’ call theists ‘fools’; well think twice next time, before generalizing about anything. Generalizations don’t make sense. It is not ‘atheists’ who speak. It is individuals. Pin point to persons. Not to groups. Because, groups though claim to have loud voices, hardly manage even to whisper meaningful words.

    Vikranth, thinks theists are fools. He has every right to think so. If you think he doesn’t have a right to think so, thats your right too! 😉

    It is important that individuals’ thoughts are less insulted, than be called voices of undefined groups!
    I am an atheist. And I do not consider anyone a fool; why theists!


  24. “Trust me, I am not at all impressed by the proofs that have been put forward for the existence of god.”
    1. This blog was supposed to deny God, wasnt it ? look what its become!
    2. being impressed by these ‘proofs’ is not what id expect even a 12 yr old to do! priyanka , you are right abt this thing that ideologies dont form over a few keystrokes of your keyboard, they take ages of life and experience.
    3. i didnt offer anything new, i just took the ideas presented and showed how mundane and vulnerable they were . (i feel like Dark Knights Joker 🙂 )

    its not about proving my idea or your idea is right ! its about finding what is right ! it absolutely doesnt matter to the rest of the world whether u r stubborn or jelly like or whatever. its just that being stubborn stalls further growth and knowledge, suit yourself!

  25. manasa kandula said

    replying to vikranth’s comment: i’m not arguing either….just put foward what i feel. As i have already said, i don’t believe in the concept tht God will come to give u food or cure diseases….it is just not like tht. “God” is not abt tht. And comin to the creation of ur blog, tht was ur creation…By creating us, i meant the very beginning of life. Fighting abt whose God is superior, etc constitute the material things ppl do in the name of God which i’m dead against. Spirituality, karma, etc are more of the concepts tht i relate to. I really can’t explain, define or go any further abt this. Btw, U can take the book frm me. [:)]

  26. prasanna said

    god is not a creation of man……”man is a creation of god” .

  27. prasanna said

    can you just tell me, what makes you think that god doesnt exist??

  28. Vikranth Vasireddy said

    many things.. i dont have to tell .. just observe the world around you and think.. u’l understand y

  29. anand said

    gidddduuuu….too good…even ur on wordpress nw…well..its all da same re…tomato..tamato !!! man created god and then god created man…god killed men..men killed god !!!!

  30. anand said

    rizwan…ur right tht we hv free will….but does tht guarantee that u n me will never ever suffer in the name of god..in the name of someone else’s free will…forget us..arent those thousands who’ve lost their lives unknowingly..just on his name…PAWNS..right now..u n me arguin over his existence..wt are we then ????

  31. u have an idea about ‘how things should be’ , ‘this is right’ in your mind. you compare everything to that. being truly broadminded is not just when u compare everything to your standard, but also review your standard itself ! you want ppl to not die unjustly, then it is similar to the claim of people who want God to be in everything. also ‘just’ or ‘unjust’ is something empirical, my just might be ur unjust n vice versa, thank god there is a God to punish the real ‘unjust’ .

  32. mvsrikrishna said

    Rizwan, I don’t think all atheists think people who believe in god are fools so don’t generalize statements.
    Religion is a system in which people have a belief in a system of thought,unseen being, person or object (mohinjodaro and harrapa days). Now why would one have belief in something which is unseen. Its basically fear. Whenever you think you’ll fail in something, or when you lose something then you think of god which I think is one way of getting rid of fear. Most atheists I know are people who are in content with there lives the others who are not really in this category and claim to be atheists are either agnostics or they are probably lying about it.
    Believe in god only until you lose your fear.

  33. Fear leads to God, thats all you wanna say. You say ppl find themselves in a disgusting situation, cant do anything about, so they invent a God and feel better, right ? You are making the same mistake you accused me of. ‘generalization of personal views’ . If your theory be true, then the moment fear evades, ppl should fall back to atheism, either that or they should remain in a ‘constant fear’ all their life.

    Atheists assume all theists think God is some sort of an antiseptic, they really shouldn’t!

    Belief in the unseen: sight accounts for one fifth of human consciousness speaking in a precise scientific manner, if you consider the sixth sense or other parameters, then the ratio gets worse, seeing is not everything! We neither see, nor touch, nor feel, nor smell, nor taste the waves which run our phones, but we know these waves MUST be there.

    • mr X said

      i wud like to make a few points if ur stil available, lemme know if you are!

      • Vikranth Vasireddy said

        The blog was dormant for quite some while but I dunno if rizwan is still blogging. Please leave ur comments Mr.X??!?

  34. The Mad Man said

    Impressive 🙂 (you know what I’d think of such a post. Besides, others have already said most stuff…).

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