
November 1, 2008

Well for all those who are confused, this might be of some help. Initially I used to wonder whether is there really something called as GOD that exists, If yes where is he. Why cant i see him like i see other people or other things in this world? Why can’t I feel it’s presence? Well some people say there is a God, though it was difficult for me to understand what is God. I might be a narrow minded fool as people may call me, to question the mere existence of god. I tried out all the literature that i could find to find if god real or not, but with no luck what so ever. Well the ancient literature says that there are different kinds of gods. Different religions say there is a  god based on their literature, but what the heck? With due respect to all religions and their practitioners, i can’t stop myself having a weird notion that people might think “Harry Potter” is a god after a couple of centuries because, all they find is literature and nobody to tell them that its just a novel.

There are many notions in my mind that question the existence of the supreme being. I see many god fearing people around me, who have done very less sins when compared to me, and yet they still suffer. Why do people die? Why do they have diseases? Why do they have problems that make their lives miserable? Where is the so called god that they believe in? Why can’t he pull them out of troubles? After all they are all his followers, his best creation, his “children”. The answer is “There is no god, He is just a creation of yours”.

Now the question arises, why do people have to create god? The answer is simple, if my little human brain doesn’t know how things in this world happen, I assume it to be done by a supernatural force called god. You have an exam tomorrow, you have been horrible at that subject since ages, you don’t get good grades no matter how hard you study, then you don’t value your efforts to master the subject. For any other person who’s observing you it looks like you have been studying pretty hard so you will definitely get good grades this time. But you, by seeing your past record think that no one but a supernatural power called GOD can help you out. Just before taking the exam You pray to that god whom you have created in your mind to ease your tensions, and start. Surprisingly you get good grades this time, You will be over whelmed and think that its god that helped you out. But being a fool you don’t realise that it was there in you from the beginning, all you needed to do was concentrate a bit and study the subject properly. Out of fear of failing yet once again, you do it this time without even you knowing it, and the result is great. We fools think that its not us, its the god’s work.

This was just an example why you can tell that “God is man’s greatest creation”.After all if we don’t have faith in our capabilities, we try to put our faith in something that many people say will help you out.